Laparoscopic and debulking Gynecological Oncology in MENA.

Laparoscopic and debulking Gynecological Oncology in MENA
Complicated Gynecological & malignancies are very tough to handle unless having tertiary referral centers like Alzahra Dubai with international MDT and all supporting Medical & Radiation Oncology with all supportive services.
Laparoscopic debulking and major resection with lymph node dissection is the standards in tough cases including HIPEC
Dr. Khaled Koutech & Dr. Sadir Alrawi
Dubai is the HUB of Innovation That’s what we practice and support in our daily practice in #AlzahraDubai in #MENA
High standard of technical skills, quality of patient selection through #MDT and support through our strong #SurgicalOncologyfellowship program.