Laparoscopic Whipples and splenic preserving pancreactectomies to set the infrastructure for high volume unit in VPS and affiliated centers.

New Oncology strategy in MENA for Laparascopic Whipples and splenic preserving pancreactectomies to set the infrastructure for high volume unit in VPS and affiliated centers
Dr Basil Ammori
Dr Sadir Alrawi
Dr Gohkan Cipe
Dr Raj Kumar
Dr Muharram Oner
Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Northern Emirates are the HUB of Innovation
That’s what we support in our daily practice in #Dubai #MENA
VPS & affiliated oncology Centers
High standard of technical skills, quality of patient selection through #MDT and support through our strong #SurgicalOncology fellowship program
With free second opinion and with international figures
#SadirAlrawi & team
#Dubai, Abu Dhabi UAE
Telephone 24/7
800 Cancer
VPS & Affiliated Oncology Centers in MENA
Alrawi & team
For contact 800 cancer