An Overview of the link Between Ovarian Cancer and Weight Gain

When cells in the ovaries or in the fallopian tubes start growing in an uncontrolled way and eventually spread to other parts of the body – it is termed as ovarian cancer. People detect this problem only when it is in its advanced stage or it has spread so much that it becomes difficult to treat.
If you are looking for the best doctors who can treat the same with the best suitable treatment, you are more likely to find the best surgeon in Dubai. Located in Dubai, Cancer Care Specialties is the best cancer center in Dubai where surgeons use latest minimally invasive techniques to treat all cancer problems.
What causes weight gain in the person suffering from ovarian cancer?
People with ovarian cancer end up gaining weight due to cancer treatments such as hormone therapy or chemotherapy.
There are certain drugs which make the body retain an excess amount of water, which further leads to weight gain.
As a result of eating more and exercising less, people suffering from ovarian cancer may also gain weight. Sometimes they feel anxious or stressed about their disease, this also triggers hunger craves in them, leading to weight gain.
Weight gain does not just happen with ovarian cancer patients but can also occur due to other forms of diseases such as breast cancer or prostate cancer.
Treatments Available
Local Treatment – In such type of treatment, the tumor is targeted at specific sites without affecting the rest of the body. Two main local treatments include surgery and radiation therapy.
• Surgery – Most doctors suggest surgery for the majority of the ovarian cancer patients. It completely depends on the spread of cancer.
• Radiation Therapy – This type of treatment uses high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells. It can effectively treat areas where cancer has spread.
Systematic Treatment – In this treatment, drugs are passed through bloodstream to treat cancer cells. These drugs can be given orally or directly in bloodstream.
• Chemotherapy – People are given chemotherapy drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells. Chemotherapy works either by killing cancer cells or by stopping them from further dividing.
• Hormonal Therapy – To treat a specific type of ovarian cancer known as ovarian stromal cancer, hormone therapy is conducted. This therapy involves hormones or hormone-blocking drugs to fight cancer.
• Targeted Therapy – In this therapy, drugs are used to attack specific cancer cells. The targeted therapy is used to treat tumors that return after initial treatment or that are resistant to other types of treatments.
Combat Weight Gain During Cancer With These Tips
If weight gain is a major concern for people suffering from ovarian cancer, this is how you can combat the same:
• Follow a low calorie diet
• Limit the intake of high sugar foods and salt
• Do not eat red meat
• Favor brown rice
• Walk and exercise regularly
People with ovarian cancer can seek advice from the best surgeons in Dubai’s Cancer Care Specialties at Al Zahra Cancer Center. They will be able to suggest the best suitable treatment along with a healthy food plan in accordance to your condition and dietary requirements.
Breast Surgery Dubai UAE Sadir Alrawi MD FRCSEd FRCSEng, Best Oncology Team for ColoRectal Surgery, Head & Neck Surgery, Liver & Pancreas Surgery, Melanoma
The breast program at Alzahra Hospital Dubai Cancer Center would like to invite to know about our program of Breast Cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment modalities

State of the art breast surgery with Oncoplastic reconstruction by the highly qualified team, Gamma probe/ blue dye utilization, intra operative ultrasound with minimal invasive approach and outpatient/ Day care surgery using update international protocols
Difficult cases of breast diseases are consulted by our “BREAST TEAM” which includes Breast Surgeons, Breast Radiologist, Breast Interventional Radiologist, Breast Pathologist, Medical Oncologist, Radiation Oncologist, Plastic Surgeon, Nuclear Medicine Physician, Supportive Team and Molecular Genetics Team , that meet regularly.
Plastic Surgery reconstruction, including Oncoplastic, implants, flaps whether rotation or free vascular flap, are integral part of our center.
Breast Cancer Information
Breast cancer
Early Detection of Breast Cancer
BRCA1/2 Full Sequencing with Deletion & Duplication (English)
BRCA1/2 Full Sequencing with Deletion & Duplication (Arabic)
Port Placement in Cancer Patients
Nutrition in Cancer Patients
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
Oncoplastic Surgery
Points of Interest to Patients
- Small scar with oncoplastic reconstruction after segmental resection
- Lumpectomy, segmental resection, simple, modified radical, skin sparing, nipple sparing mastectomies
- Breast cancer screening, using digital mammogram and ultrasound
- Nipple surgery with microdochotomy or nipple reconstruction
- Breast cancer staging
- Patient can go home same day
- ERAS, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery
- No drains, drain training and charting
- Center of excellence in breast surgery
- Benign and malignant breast diseases
- Recurrent or metastatic breast cancer
- Breast digital mammogram, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultra Sound (US)
- Clear localization of abnormal calcification with stereotactic biopsy, wiring, clips localization and vacuum assisted biopsies and excision
- Intraoperative frozen section evaluation
- Intraoperative ultra sound and mammogram evaluation
- Sentinel lymph node biopsy and axillary dissection, using blue dye and nuclear medicine
- Weekly multidisciplinary breastmeeting
- Second opinion in complicated cases
- Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced cases
- BRACA genetic test evaluation
- Genetic testing for familial conditions, and genetic evaluation
- Chemotherapy administration pre and postoperatively and hormonal treatments
- State of the art port placement
- Nutrition evaluations of cancer patients
- Breast Surgery Dubai UAE Sadir Alrawi MD FRCSEd FRCSEng