Foods to Eat for a Healthy Colon

A Healthy, Balanced Diet Can Provide Protection Against Colon Diseases!
Diet plays a significant role in maintaining the overall physical and mental health. As an important part of the digestive system, it controls many internal conditions. If the functioning of the colon gets disturbed, it might lead to inflammatory bowel diseases, colon diseases, and colorectal cancer.

Treatment for these types of colon disorders includes surgery of colon cancer along with modifications in diet and lifestyle after surgery. For surgery, if you are in UAE, don’t look anywhere except Al Zahra Hospital Dubai. The Department of Cancer Care Specialities at Al Zahra has board-certified surgeons who have decades of experience in carrying out minimally invasive surgery of colon cancer, thus transforming the care experience of every patient.
To help promote good colon health, follow these post-surgery health tips:
Limit Red Meat Consumption – The risk of colon cancer increases with the daily consumption of red meat or processed meats including sausages, bacons, and even hotdogs. Doctors recommend to limit the red meat consumption to two to four ounce in a week. However, it is still recommended to avoid eating red meat or processed meat because they are the leading cause of colon cancer.
Limit Sugar Consumption – A recent study suggests that if you drink sugar-laden food and drinks, it increases your long-term risk of colon cancer. Post-colon cancer surgery, avoid eating foods and liquids high in sugar content. Though sugar is not directly linked with colon cancer, but foods high in sugar can be the leading cause of weight gain, obesity, and diabetes. And in turn, they lead to the development of colon cancer.
Increase Your Fiber Intake – Intake of fiber in the early stages of colorectal cancer may increase the survival rate. Consume fiber-rich fruits and vegetables such as apples, orange, bananas, peas, broccoli, corn, and more. You can also prefer eating whole grains and legumes as they are the powerhouse of fiber. Fiber prevents constipation and hemorrhoids and supports your colon health.
Eat Calcium and Vitamin D Rich Foods and Drinks – Lack of calcium and Vitamin D could contribute to the risk of developing colon cancer. A recent study by international researchers revealed that higher levels of Vitamin D are associated with lower risk of colon cancer. Men are advised not to increase the intake of calcium above the set limit because it can lead to prostate cancer. Other dietary sources of calcium are green leafy vegetables.
Be Selective for Grains – Eating whole grains such as brown rice and whole-wheat bread may reduce the colon cancer risk. Limit your whole grains consumption to 3-5 servings per day. Some of the best whole grains for colon health include barley, quinoa, whole wheat flour, brown rice, and oatmeal. They all contain essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.
The above-mentioned foods and health tips if followed properly after surgery of colon cancer can help you lead a healthy life.