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Consultant Surgical Oncology and Head & Neck
Dr Sadir Jumaa Alrawi MD FRCS
Experience: 30 Years of Experience
Language English, Arabic, French
Dr. Sadir Alrawi worked in the leading hospital environments of international reputation in the Western world. Dr. Alrawi has tertiary referral cancer centers in UAE, with all supporting subspecialties including Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology, and radiation, in addition to palliative care and research. He has a major interest in Gastrointestinal Oncology, including Esophageal, Gastric, Pancreas, Liver, and colonic Surgery with a special interest in Endocrine Surgery including thyroid, parathyroid & adrenal.
In his 30-year experience in Surgical Oncology, he was able to publish more than 75 papers in peer-reviewed journals & more than 150 presentations in local, national, and international meetings both in clinical and basic sciences & published 10 book chapters.
Positions & Qualification:
Area of Expertise
Endocrine surgery including thyroid parathyroid and pancreatic surgery with a minimally invasive and laparoscopic evaluation for pancreatic tumor
Forgot gastric and esophageal surgery for laparoscopic reflux disease and malignancy of the stomach on the esophageal cancer
Pancreatic and liver benign and malignant conditions including chronic pancreatitis and tumor of the liver and the pancreas including both laparoscopic and open approach
Major head and neck oncology cases including carcinoma of the tongue pharynx larynx pyriform area and the neck dissections with the complex microvascular reconstruction and local flap reconstruction
Colorectal surgery including laparoscopic and open for benign and malignant conditions for ulcerative colitis Crohn’s disease and malignancy
Heated intraperitoneal chemo perfusion for peritoneal carcinomatosis and diffuse cancer of the peritoneal cavity for both ovarian and GI origin
The breast has been in medical condition with oncoplastic reconstruction and sentinel and axillary lymph node dissection with the reconstruction of the breast
Sarcoma and melanoma with a complex discussion and MDT with a neoadjuvant treatment and resection with the groin dissection and axillary dissection with a compartment resection of all sarcomas
Assist in the GYN and neuro-oncology cases for complex cases in the presence of the gynecological and urological team in addition to assisting with the plastic surgeon for the complex microvascular reconstruction of the head and neck cancer cases
Administrative and collegial building of multispeciality cancer Institute and the MDT for discussion for complex cancer cases in different parts of the ward including America in Florida to one hospital at the Alzahra and the Burjeel system